Our Programs

Our Programs

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Cipinang Besar Selatan, is ISCO's first sponsored area. Its location is in East Jakarta, close to the highways, traditional markets, river banks, and it is very very densely populated. Children in this area are very vulnerable to go to the streets and become street children, as they live very closely to the areas where most busy Jakarta people pass by and do their activities. The busy streets, buses, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles, carts, sellers, buyers, drivers, passengers, pedestrians, all are too attractive for these children to work as beggars, food hawkers or garbage collectors. They have often been sent out onto the streets by impoverished parents who can't support their families, and as a result, are deprived of an education.
ISCO sets up Children Activity Center in Cipinang Besar Selatan to attract these children to do fun and educational activities, and minimize their time spent on the streets. The tutors in the Center help these children with their school work or do some interesting projects together with the children.The children seem to enjoy going to the Activity Center. They learn many things, school stuff as well as other important things such as self hygene, eating healthy food, taking care of the young ones, and other living values.

ISCO strives to keep these children stay at school,and to rise all kids upward to their highest results as most parents do, and our target is to provide formal jobs to all sufficiently educated. ISCO wishes to cut the poverty cycle through better education for these children.

Monday, March 9, 2009

10 TAHUN YAYASAN ISCO, 1999-2009.

Bersamaan dengan workshop tahunan staf ISCO, pada tanggal 25 Peb 2009 tim besar & para board ISCO merayakan 10 tahun ISCO berkarya. Acara dimulai pukul 20.30 dimulai dengan salam pembukaan dari panitia, dilanjutkan dengan makan bersama hingga pukul 21.30.

Setelah para board berkumpul semua, pukul 22.00 diputar slide tentang perjalanan ISCO dan para stafnya yang sangat berdedikasi tinggi membantu mewujudkan hak pendidikan anak. Suasana haru dan sukacita mewarnai wajah teman-teman...

Tiup lilin yang dilakukan oleh board (Pak Pascal, Ibu Isti, Pak Soetjahjo) menambah meriahnya acara peringatan 10 tahun ISCO. Acara penutup adalah pemberian penghargaan bagi para staf yang sudah bekerja di ISCO selama 5 tahun lebih dan juga pembagian "panduan program ISCO Foundation" kepada perwakilan staf ISCO dari Jakarta, Surabaya dan Medan.

10 tahun ISCO berdiri, semoga membawa perubahan yang berarti bagi pendidikan anak negri..
ISCO Foundation 1999-2009.

Worshop staff ISCO

Merupakan program tahunan bagi board dan para staf ISCO dari Surabaya, Medan dan Jakarta untuk berkumpul membicarakan perkembangan program selama Tahun Ajaran 2008-2009 dan pembaharuan sistem yang ada.

Pebruari 2009 ini, pertemuan diadakan di Jakarta dan di Puncak dengan konsep yang sedikit berbeda dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
Bentuk kegiatannya adalah pelatihan tentang leadership (dibawakan oleh mbak Rifa-DDI), konseling (dibawakan oleh Dian Moeliono-DDI), team building (dibawakan oleh Isti N. Saptiono-board ISCO), diadakan di kantor ISCO 19, 23 & 24 Peb 2009.
Aktivitas di Puncak 20-22 Peb 2009 membahas tentang hasil identifikasi permasalahan anak ISCO usia 13-15 tahun dan program yang diperlukan bagi mereka.

Antusiasnya tim yang terlibat workshop semoga membuat kinerja staf ISCO semakin baik dan program ke anak-anak juga menjadi lebih menarik.