249 number of them went to Ragunan Zoo whilst 87 children took delight times in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
These selected children living in very slum and underprivileged areas but managed to achieve high rank in their school (top ten ranks in class), had almost perfect absents rate (above 90% of attendance) in school and activity center.
Without support from ISCO, it was extremely rare opportunity for these children to enjoy such fun educative trip.
The children did not waste the moment and explore the event sites.
Children in Ragunan Zoo were strolling around and learning how to distinguish characteristic of different types of animals, along with memorized the plants names. The feeling of being in open space was very relaxing for them, especially because they were used to stay in their narrow, gloomy, crowded, slum areas which limited their playgrounds and movements literally.
In Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, children were learning about the rich Indonesian cultures such as the traditional attires, folk tales, musical instruments, sculptures, and the history which brings all the ethnics and culture groups united in one nation, Indonesia . Children were very enthusiast and kept tagging ISCO staffs demanding more explanation about the things inside Taman Mini Indonesia Indah’s museum.
Children in both places sat for had picnic lunch time, and played various kind of games.
These children know they deserved this experienced. They captured the opportunity given. They worked real hard in school and activity centers with strong will and persistence in a threatening condition. Now, they reaped the fruits and had some serious fun.
ISCO regularly takes children with high achievements, gain top ten ranks in school and high attendance rates to the various affordable fun educative learning places as the rewards of their continuous effort.
If you know more information about affordable educational public places in Jakarta , Surabaya and Medan suitable for children age 5-18 years old, please let us know so we could bring our children to those edutainment places next year around January-March.
Please contact our office in (021)-7222-008 or send us email in isco@iscofoundation.org.
Enjoy your day! Let’s contribute more for the equal distribute opportunities for children.
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